Certification & Continuing Education


If you are an employee with Conroe ISD and need to add or update areas to your current certification, please email HRRequests. Your official certification will be verified with TEA, and updates will be made in the Conroe ISD system. TEA does not notify Conroe ISD if you make changes, update, or renew your certificate.

You may view your current certifications on file with Conroe ISD in your Employee Access Center, available in the SSO.

TEAL Accounts

To renew your certification or apply for certifications, you need a TEAL user account. Please see the information below to learn more about TEAL accounts.

Teaching Certificates

Educational Aide Certificates

Federal, state, and local guidelines require an employed Educational Aide to hold a valid Educational Aide Certificate. The Educational Aide Certificate is no longer available for renewal. The employee must submit an application and the $17 fee for the new 2-year, non-renewable Educational Aide Certificate on the Texas Education Agency website through the TEA Educator TEAL account.

Click here for instructions on applying for the Educational Aide Certificate.

If you have any questions, please call TEA at 512-936-8400.

Certification Contact

Dr. Holly Mooore

Recruitment, Retention, & Certification Specialist

Email: hmmoore@conroeisd.net
Phone: 936-709-7849

Continuing Education

As information becomes available regarding higher education opportunities, certification programs, and scholarships, it will be posted here for your benefit. If you have questions that pertain to programs associated with universities or certification options, please contact the organization directly.

Conroe ISD Education Foundation Scholarships

The Conroe ISD Education Foundation provides scholarships to District employees who seek to further their careers with continuing education. Updated scholarship information is typically made available in January of each year.

Additional Resources

Continuing Education Contacts

Dr. Holly Moore

Recruitment, Retention & Certification Specialist

Email: hmmoore@conroeisd.net
Phone: 936-709-7849

Kristy Stavinoha

Auxiliary Recruiter

Email: kstavinoha@conroeisd.net
Phone: 936-709-7819

Observations/Field-Based Experience Hours

Conroe ISD will allow individuals enrolled in a university or Alternative Certification Program (ACP) to complete Pre-Service Field-Based Experience (FBE) hours at our campuses. The following District procedures must be completed:

Obtain approval from the campus(es) where he/she wishes to complete FBE hours.

  1. Submit the request to complete FBE hours to the email address listed by campus on the School Directory page.

  2. In the email request, include documentation showing that FBE hours are required by the university or ACP.

The Conroe ISD campus administrator will determine if the individual may participate and will discuss other guidelines/expectations.

If approved, complete the Volunteer Application by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Conroe ISD Home Page.

  2. Click on Community.

  3. Click on the Volunteer in CISD link.

  4. Click on Go to Volunteer Application.

  5. Complete the application, choosing the campus(es) where approval has been given.

  6. Select "submit" when the application is complete.

  7. The principal(s) at the campus(es) you select will be notified that an application was submitted.

  8. You and the campus principal(s) will be notified via e-mail within two weeks that your application was approved or if there was a problem that requires further clarification. All information will remain confidential.

  9. Once cleared, the campus(es) will allow FBE hours to begin.

  10. Check in at the front office upon arrival to and departure from the campus.

  11. On the day(s) you are scheduled to be on campus, bring a driver's license to have a visitor badge issued. All visitors in Conroe ISD must wear a badge when visiting on any campus.

Please visit the main Conroe ISD page and select School Directory for a complete list of Conroe ISD campuses.

FBE hours can include passive observing of a teacher modeling effective practices to improve student learning. Experiences may also involve directly practicing skills with students. Participants looking to complete FBE hours with direct student interactions may not self-select activities but instead must follow the direction of the classroom teacher as to what best serves student learning.

Friendly Reminders:

  • Completing FBE hours is not the time to look for a job. Please do not contact principals to schedule interviews, etc.

  • Please avoid disturbing the learning process and/or campus procedures.

  • Please demonstrate professional behavior.

  • Please wear professional attire.

Thank you for your interest in completing FBE hours in Conroe ISD!

Research and Review Process