Community Events & Student Flyers

Community Events

As a service to Conroe ISD parents, students and community, the District provides this space for non-school related organizations to post notices regarding special events, programs, and activities designed for school-aged children. The materials posted here are not related to or sponsored by the Conroe Independent School District.

Flyers are posted in the order in which they are received. If you have any questions about the information contained in a flyer, please contact the sponsoring organization.  Do not contact the schools or the District Office.

Student Flyers

Printed Materials

The term “distribution” as used in this procedure means placing items in the area designated at each campus or District facility for the dissemination of non-school related materials.* Those who are interested in making information available to students in the Conroe Independent School District may do so by following these procedures:

  • Submit the material intended for distribution to the principal of a campus or the Communications Director for District facilities.

  • Materials will be reviewed in accordance with Local Board Policy GKDA.

  • If the materials are approved for distribution, provide the facility with the materials to be distributed and they will be placed in the designated public information distribution area.

Each facility will determine how long materials will remain in the distribution area.

*Non-school related materials will not be sent home in student folders/backpacks.