Complaints & Grievances
General Complaint Process
When filing a complaint, the terms "complaint" and "grievance" shall have the same meaning. General complaints shall be filed in accordance with the policies and information linked below.
Bullying occurs when a student or group of students engage in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct that occurs on school property, at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, or in a vehicle operated by the District and that:
Has the effect or will have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or of damage to the student’s property;
Is sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student;
Materially and substantially disrupts the educational process or the orderly operation of a classroom or school; or
Infringes on the rights of the victim at school; and includes cyberbullying.
For student safety and well-being concerns after school hours, please call Conroe ISD’s KidChat Hotline at 1-800-543-2428 or make a report through Anonymous Alerts. Learn more at the CISD Safety Information page.
Bullying/Harassment, Discrimination & Retaliation Complaints
Title IX/Sexual Harassment Complaints
Title IX Coordinator: Dr. Jamie Bone
Assistant Director of Human Resources
3205 W. Davis St., Conroe, TX 77304
In accordance with Title IX, CISD does not, and is required to not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs or activities. The Title IX Coordinator addresses concerns regarding discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and gender-based harassment.
Conroe ISD's Title IX administrators have attended Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell & Munoz P.C.'s "New Title IX Rules & Regulations" series. Materials from this series in compliance with Section 106.45 (b)(10)(i)(D) of the regulations can be found here.