Contact Transportation
Thank you for visiting the Transportation Department’s website and reaching out to us. We want you to have answers to your questions as quickly as possible. Therefore, we encourage you to review the items linked below to see if your question is answered through these online resources. If not, please submit a contact request and one of our Transportation team members will respond as soon as possible.
Transportation Parent Flyer
Frequently Asked Questions
Includes pick-up/drop-off information and times.
SMART Tag Parent Information and Parent App
What do I do if I moved and need transportation?
Please contact your child’s school, and they will assist in the change.
What is the Conroe ISD Board-approved, walk-to-stop distance?
How do I register for transportation or request an alternate address?
Fill out the Alternate Address Form.
TK Shuttle Registration
Complete the application in the SSO. (for employees only)
Complete the form below to send a message to the Transportation Department. In order to serve you better, please include as much detailed information as possible. Thank you!