Phone: 936-709-7757

Health Services
School Nursing
School nursing, a specialized practice of nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders who bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential. (National Association of School Nurses, 2017).
Believing that the central purpose of the school nurse in the educational setting is assisting each student to achieve the highest level of their ability. Health Services recognizes that physical and mental wellness is vital to the success of each student. By utilizing the facilities of the schools and community, the school health program can assist each student in attaining an optimal level of physical and emotional health. Although the parents and guardians are ultimately responsible for the health care of their children, Health Services welcomes the opportunity to assist and support the families of Conroe I.S.D., both professionally and educationally, in order to reach the mutual goal of a successful school experience.
Health Services Contacts

Barbara Robertson, BSN, RN, NCSN
Director of Health Services

Dana Fisher, MSN, RN, NCSN
Professional Health Services Specialist
Phone: 936-709-7828

Elizabeth IbarraSosa
Phone: 936-709-7242