Phone: 936-709-7653

Internal Audit
About Internal Audit
Internal Audit performs an annual risk assessment of the district, and based on the results prepares a schedule of audits we present for approval to the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees. In addition to these audits, Internal Audit conducts investigations of possible fraud and misuse of district property or personnel as they arise. We conduct regular audits of school activity funds and review the work of new activity funds secretaries to ensure they get off to a good start.
Internal Audit is the administrator for the CISD Educational Support Groups, Inc., the district’s group exemption for parent organizations, and works with these groups to provide training and ensure timely reporting to federal and state agencies. We also administer the district’s Fraud and Ethics hot line and may investigate reported issues.
Department Personnel

Brian Hayden
Internal Audit Manager

Linda Doran
Internal Staff Auditor
Phone: 936-709-7680
Helpful Resources
CISD Group Exemption Members
Parent Organization Information
There is no charge for CISD parent organizations to participate in the Group, and all are welcome. For more information about participation in the Group, please contact the CISD Internal Audit Department.