Traditional Finances
Tax Rate Information
The Districts property tax rate is made up of a Maintenance & Operations tax rate and a Debt Service tax rate. As its name suggests, the Maintenance & Operations tax rate provides funds for the maintenance and operations costs of the school district. The Debt Service tax rate provides funds for payments on the debt that finances the districts facilities.

Expenditures Per Student
Expenditures per student are calculated using audited financial statement data for all funds (General Fund, Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund & Non-Major Governmental Funds).

Revenue Per Student
Revenue per student is calculated using audited financial statement data for all funds (General Fund, Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund & Non-Major Governmental Funds).

Property Tax Revenue Per Student
Property tax revenue includes property tax collections, penalties, interest & other tax related income. The district has no sales tax revenue.
Click here to view PDF of Property Tax Revenue Per Student Chart

Budget Information
Click on a section header below to display budget information