Contracts & Procurement
Contracts & Procurement Transparency Summary
The following graph represents CISD’s spending and contracting activities as a whole along with per student spending from 2019 – 2023.

Publicly Posted Bidding & Contracting Opportunities (Count)
The following graph represents the number of bidding & contracting opportunities by category (Competitive Sealed Proposals, Request For Proposals, Request For Quote, Request For Qualifications). The graph includes both awarded and closed contracts for fiscal year 2022-2023.

Publicly Posted Bidding & Contracting Opportunities (Dollar Amount)
The following graph represents the total dollar amount of bidding & contracting opportunities by category (Competitive Sealed Proposals, Request For Proposals, Request For Quote, Request For Qualifications). The graph includes awarded contracts for fiscal year 2022-2023.

Procurement Expenditures (Authorized vs. Actual)
The following graph represents the total dollar amount of bidding & contracting opportunities by category (Competitive Sealed Proposals, Request For Proposals, Request For Quote, Request For Qualifications). The graph includes awarded contracts for fiscal year 2022-2023.

Conroe ISD eBid System
The Conroe ISD eBid System hosts many different functions. This system provides the following information: Bid Documents, Awarded Contracts and Vendors, Vendor Registration, and Currently Open and Closed Bid Opportunities.
Dataset on Conroe ISD Contracting
The Conroe ISD eBid System provides an up to date bank of information for contracting opportunities that are currently open, closed and awarded. This dataset provides a snapshot of this information for the past three complete fiscal years. Fiscal years included in this dataset is FY 2019-2020, FY 2020-2021 and FY 2021-2022.