It is important to the district to obtain the input of parents and community members throughout the process. The District will share information about the process through live in-person meetings, live webinars recorded for viewing at a convenient time, school newsletters, and the ABC webpage.

Attendance Boundary Process: Timber Mill High School, New Conroe Area Junior High, New Conroe Area Intermediate
Frequently Asked Questions
Timber Mill High School Feeder Zoning Scenarios
All maps under consideration have a legend in the bottom left corner. The number after each school shows {the building's capacity} / {the scenario's projected enrollment number}.
Community Presentations

Zoning Process Information
Community Presentations
The ABC presents various zoning scenarios developed by the ABC and solicits feedback via the website:
The same zoning up date is available at two different times in both virtual/recorded format and in-person later in the week.
This in-person scenario viewing is a come-and-go event where attendees can give feedback on proposed scenarios. Note all scenarios under consideration are always included online at our Attendance Boundary Website for potential feedback.
Each webinar will be recorded for viewing convenience and posted on our Attendance Boundary Website.
June 10 at 6 p.m. – Live Virtual/Recorded
June 12 at 6 p.m. – In-Person at the Walter P. Jett Teacher Training Center
Community Feedback Virtual Come-and-Go Events
ABC presents the rezoning process to create new attendance boundaries and solicits input from the community via the website:
The same presentation is offered at two different times available in both virtual/recorded format and later the same week in person.
Each webinar will be recorded for viewing convenience and posted on our Attendance Boundary Website.
Come-and-Go Events
March 25 at 6 p.m. - Live/Virtual (Join Webinar)
A recording of the webinar will be available the day following the presentation.March 27 at 6 p.m. - In-person at the Walter P. Jett Teacher Training Center
Submit Your Own Zoning Scenario
Conroe ISD invites you to submit your own zoning scenario for the Timber Mill High School feeder zone using the worksheet below. In order for your scenario to be considered by the ABC, all of the green columns in the spreadsheet must be filled. Email your completed worksheet to