President, Position 3
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Board Meeting Information
Open Government and Compliance: The Information on this page and those linked is provided in accordance with the requirements outlined for the Texas Comptroller's Open Government and Compliance Transparency Star.

Mrs. Misty Odenweller
Mrs. Melissa Dungan
Second Vice President, Position 2
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Mrs. Marianne Horton
Assistant Secretary, Position 7
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Mrs. Melissa Semmler
Trustee, Position 6
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Mrs. Tiffany Baumann Nelson
First Vice President, Position 1
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Mrs. Lindsay Dawson
Secretary, Position 5
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Mrs. Nicole May
Trustee, Position 4
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2024-2025 Resolutions of the Board of Trustees
Board Meetings
Board Meeting are open to the public and held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Meetings take place in the Board Room located in the Deane L. Sadler Administration/Technology Center located at 3205 W. Davis Street, Conroe, Texas, 77304. They are also streamed live on the Conroe ISD YouTube Channel.
Citizen Participation
Board Policy BED Local requires that complaints and concerns first be addressed administratively through the Board’s complaint process. The District’s complaint processes are set out in Board Policy DGBA Local for employee complaints; FNG Local for student and parent complaints, and; GKB for citizen complaints. The Board Secretary has complaint forms available.
Please note that the Board has an obligation to protect the confidentiality of information that personally identifies a student. You are welcome to discuss your own student or yourself if you are a student over the age of 18. Otherwise, the Board cannot permit comments that might identify any other student.
To address the Board during Citizen's Participation please open the tab in the right-hand column to fill out the Citizen Participation Form.
As a regular item on each meeting agenda, the Board will hear from citizens who desire to make comments to the Board. At regular meetings, held on the third Tuesday of each month, the Board will hear comments about both posted agenda items and non-agenda items. At all other meetings of the Board, the Board will only hear comments about posted agenda items. The Board cannot deliberate or decide any matter that is not included on the agenda posted with notice of the meeting. However, the Board can provide specific factual information or recite existing Board policy.
Citizens who wish to participate in this portion of the meeting must complete the Citizens Participation Enrollment form. Citizen Participation Enrollment forms are available from the Board secretary prior to the Board meeting between 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and must be turned in to the Board secretary by 6:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Citizen Participation Enrollment forms may also be completed below and submitted online by 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Any form not submitted online by 3:00 p.m. the day of the meeting must be completed in person between 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and submitted to the Board’s secretary, Linda Godfrey. Each citizen will have two minutes to address the Board.
All required fields on the Citizens Participation Enrollment form must be completed in order for the submission to be successful. Please check in with the Board’s secretary, Linda Godfrey, upon your arrival and present a printout or screenshot of the form confirmation.